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Title: Android 6.0 Marshmallow :New this new version
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  After three versions "Developer Preview", Android 6.0 has just Marshmallow be deployed on some Nexus final. Although little ...

After three versions "Developer Preview", Android 6.0 has just Marshmallow be deployed on some Nexus final. Although little different from previous iterations dedicated developers, and even Lollipop (Android 5.x), this new version displays some welcome discrete changes. Here is a selection of some interesting innovations.

Android M a laissé sa place à Android 6.0 Marshmallow, d’ores et déjà mis à disposition sur Nexus 5, 6, 7 (2013), 9 et Nexus Player et à venir sur un certain nombre de terminaux. Que vous ayez déjà installé cette version sans trouver les nouveautés ou que vous l’attendiez de pied ferme, voici un aperçu de ce que réserve la dernière mise à jour en date du système d’exploitation de Google.

Une nouvelle bootanimation

Le premier changement que vous apercevrez en allumant pour la première fois votre smartphone ou votre tablette fraîchement mis à jour, c’est la nouvelle animation de démarrage, ou bootanimation. Il y a fort à parier que vous ne redémarrerez pas votre appareil de si tôt, alors prenez au moins le temps d’apprécier le soin apporté au rajeunissement du logo Android.

 Quick access to voice search

On the lock screen, quick access to the dialer has been replaced by a shortcut that opens directly Voice Search. This discrete change is particularly relevant on tablets, but also responds to a more modern use of phones. The keypad is generally available from the Home screen and serves only slightly compared to the directory. Voice search is itself in increasingly used.

 The quick settings & Sound management

Enabling (GPS) finds its way to the Quick Settings menu, as well as the "Do not disturb" which is where its first steps. The latter replaces the "Priority" initiated in Lollipop, speaking little enough for most users. In addition, its position in the quick settings makes it easier to use and avoids inadvertently activate the "none" option which cut the receipt of any notification, including alarms, which certainly caused more delays .

its management has also been simplified and improved. It is now possible to place the popup for independently adjusting the ringer volume, notifications and alarms. The "Do not disturb" is activated in turn lowering the sound when it is already at a minimum.

 UI customization by System Tuner

Leaving his finger on the button settings in the notification bar, it is possible to unlock a new menu named "System Tuner UI." This is where you will access the quick settings changes, management of the status bar or the integration of the percentage in the battery icon in the notifications. The latter remains very discreet and hardly discernible.

 Management applications and authorizations

One of the great innovations of Marshmallow is the management of applications. For starters, the application drawer is now positioned vertically, topped with a selection of recently used applications. A search field is now present, and the scroll bar displays a letter better be in the list.

The application menu has been simplified with Marshmallow and now has a new section entitled "Permitted. apps. " As its name suggests, it allows to manage in each case the permissions for each application.


widgets management

Like the drawer applications, management widgets now goes vertical scrolling with a scroll bar showing the alphabet. Each application is entitled to his own line and more clearly showing the various available widgets

 The new file explorer

Often integrated as third-party application in overcoats manufacturers, File Explorer has made its appearance in Android Stock. Its use is not, however, more ergonomic since it must go through the settings, the "USB Storage" tab, then the "Explorer." If the feature is welcome, hide in this way was not the best idea to Google.

 An overview of the RAM

In the settings, Android now displays a new option named Memory. This allows a glimpse of the RAM used for each running application, and force shutdown of some of them to free up RAM space. Since the "Applications" tab, each app now displays the average memory usage, a good way to locate one that makes rowing your terminal to find an alternative.

The removal of screenshots

Is this ever happened to you to take a screenshot by mistake, or you notice that the screenshot you just made is missed or useless? If this is the case, then you know to remove it, it is necessary to start an application gallery, to find the image in question and remove. Tedious path that deserved to be simplified. With Android 6.0 Marshmallow, notification of a screenshot offer two proposals: ... share the file or delete it. This may be a detail for you, but for us - who do many screenshots as part of our articles - it means a lot.

Contactless payment and fingerprint security

When initializing your terminal, Marshmallow ask for your blue card number. No, the system does not become paid, that's the way you set foot in the stirrup to move to contactless payment. This option is optional safe and can be activated in the future in Android options. Indeed, the service is still unavailable in France. In addition, Android 6.0 also natively supports fingerprint to secure these payments, but this feature is currently limited to 5X and 6P Nexus, Nexus only ones with the necessary scanner.

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